About us

Dear friend,

        I am suraj kr.das (https://biography195.blogspot.com)
In this blog   we all are knowing the Biography of great prince, and how to build a beautiful charecter, and the steps which is  most important for live smooth life style and also we will get knowledge  distinguish between the  spiritual life  and  family life.

      The reason why young people should read biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, and diaries is because they provide the most valuable lessons in life. People who write their autobiographies usually have an interesting story to tell about the trials and tribulations of their own lives. Every life has a beginning, middle, and an end, and how one has lived one's life should be of great interest to those who are still at the beginning
Swami Vivekananda

What do we learn from these biographies? The priceless lessons of experience. Human beings, male and female, have been capable of extraordinary feats in all areas of endeavor. We live in a world built by their genius and inventiveness. The secrets of success are to be found in all of these remarkable lives. If you wish to excel in your own life, there is no better place to find inspiration than in the lives of those who have changed our world and changed our lives for the better.

They motivate you

Successful people have many such qualities that inspire and motivate their followers. They set an example for others to follow. They motivate their followers to pursue their dream and attain the success that they have achieved in life. Many of their life’s experiences can prove to be great motivating forces.

They act as a guiding light

People who are successful have achieved something in life which is why they are looked up to by society. Most of the individuals who are pioneers in their fields can act as a guiding light for people who intend to begin from scratch. In a way, they mentor you without claiming credit of any sort.

About me-

Suraj kumar das
Contact- techtipsinfo1995@gmail.com


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